
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." 2 Peter 3:18

Greetings and welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to Immanuel Lutheran Church's Confirmation blog. Your source for all things Confirmation!

A garden is a place of growth and care. Confirmation is about your faith growing. Growing in faith doesn't happen because of a blog of course, but it does happen because of God's action in our lives. Confirmation class will be a place where you discover the incredible things God has done in your life already!

The resources here will help you perform well in class and most importantly help your faith grow. Please feel free to contact Pastor Keith or Pastor Tiner with any questions you have.

To God be the Glory!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Keith and Pastor Tiner

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Genesis Chapter 12 Questions

Abram becomes a central figure to the story of God's work among the people.
1. What did God promise to Abram. (List them)
2. How old was Abram when God told him to leave his home and travel to the land he would show them?
3. Who are the two named people that go with Abram.
4. Look at the map in the back of the Faith Alive Bible and locate Bethel and Ai. Where is that in relation to Egypt where Abram and his family ended up? (close, far, north, east, west, etc..)
5. Why did Abram lie and tell the Egyptians his wife was really his sister?
6. What sin was Abram commmitting?
7. How could he have trusted God in this situation?

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