
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." 2 Peter 3:18

Greetings and welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to Immanuel Lutheran Church's Confirmation blog. Your source for all things Confirmation!

A garden is a place of growth and care. Confirmation is about your faith growing. Growing in faith doesn't happen because of a blog of course, but it does happen because of God's action in our lives. Confirmation class will be a place where you discover the incredible things God has done in your life already!

The resources here will help you perform well in class and most importantly help your faith grow. Please feel free to contact Pastor Keith or Pastor Tiner with any questions you have.

To God be the Glory!

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Keith and Pastor Tiner

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Genesis Chapter 50 Questions

1. How many days did it take to prepare Jacob for burial.
2. Define the word "embalm".
3. How many days did the Egyptians mourn for Jacob?
4. What did Joseph say to his brothers about them selling him into slavery?
5. How can that same understanding help you in your life when things go wrong?

Genesis Chapter 49 Questions

1. Who is the firstborn of Jacob?
2. Who does Jacob bless saying he is like a fruitbul bough (branch)?
3. Which two brothers does Jacob describe as being violent?
4. Where was Jacob buried?

Genesis Chapter 48 Questions

1. Who did Jacob give his blessing to?
2. Who was Jacob suprised and very glad he was able to see before he died?
3. What are the names of Joseph's sons?

Genesis Chapter 47 Questions

1. Where did Jacob and the family settle?
2. How old is Jacob?
3. What did the people of Egypt give to Pharoah and why?
4. How long did Jacob live in the land of Egypt?

Genesis Chapter 46 Questions

1. Who told Jacob/Israel it was safe to travel to Egypt?
2. What did he bring with him to Egypt?
3. What was the family's occupation?

Genesis Chapter 45 Questions

1. What was the reaction of Joseph's brothers when they found out who he really was?
2. Who does Joseph say really sent him into Egypt?
3. How many years are still left of the famine?
4. Who does Joseph want to see?
5. What was Pharoah's reaction to Joseph's brothers coming to Egypt?
6. Did Jacob go to Egypt?

Genesis Chapter 44 Questions

1. What special item was put into Benjamin's sack.
2. Which brother becomes the spokesman for the group?
3. What would happen to Israel if Benjamin did not return home with his brothers?

Thank you Mr. K for the questions this week.

Genesis Chapter 43 Questions

1. What gifts were the brothers to take back to Egypt with them?
2. How much silver?
3. What did the brothers think Joseph was going to do to them at his house?
4. Why did Joseph run to his private room?
5. How were the men seated at the table?
6. How much larger was Benjamin's portion?

Thank you Mr. K for the questions this week.

Genesis Chapter 42 Questions

1. Who was not sent to Egypt for grain? Why?
2. What did Joseph claim his brothers came to do?
3. How long were the brothers in jail?
4. What did Joseph send his brothers back home with?
5. Which brother said he would take care of Benjamin?
Thanks to Mr. K for the questions.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Genesis Questions Chapter 41

1. How long was Joseph in prison after the cupbearer got out of prison?
2. Who had a dream about seven skinny cows eating seven large healthy cows?
3. What was the second part of the dream about?
4. What was Joseph's interpretation?
5. Who else did Pharaoh ask to interpret his dreams?
6. How well did they do?
7. What did Pharoah do as a result of Joseph's interpretation of the dream?
8. Did the Pharoah's dreams and Joseph's interpretation of them come true?

Genesis Questions Chapter 40

1. Who else was in prison with Joseph?
2. What did Joseph say cup bearer's dream meant?
3. What did Joseph say the baker's dream meant?
4. Was Joseph's interpretation of the dreams right? Why?

Genesis Chapter 39 Questions

1. Who is Potiphar?
2. What was the reason Joseph was so succesful?
3. What job did Potiphar give to Joseph?
4. What was Potiphars wife tempting Joseph to do?
5. What did she do when he refused?
6. Why was Joseph thrown into prison?

Genesis Chapter 38 Questions

1. How many sons did Judah have?
2. How did Er and Onan die?
3. Who got Tamar pregnant?
4. What did the midwife do to tell the twins apart?
(Thanks to Mr K for our questions.)

Genesis Questions Chapter 37

1. How old was Joseph when he had the dream about the grain?
2. What did the dream mean?
3. How did Joseph's brothers plan on "killing" him?
4. What brother did not want to kill Joseph?
5. Who was Joseph sold to in Egypt?
(Thanks to Mr K for our questions.)

Genesis Chapter 36 Questions

1. Why couldn't Jacob and Esau live near each other?
2. Esau was the father of what people?
(Thanks to Mr. K for the questions today.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Genesis Chapter 35 Questions

1. Where does God instruct Jacob and his family to move to?
2. What new name does God give Jacob?
3. God makes the same promise to Israel that he made to who?
4. List the twelve sons of Jacob?

Genesis Chapter 34 Questions

1. Why are Dinah's brothers so angry with Shechem?
2. What do they do to him and all the males in the city?
3. What is Jacob's reaction to his son's actions?

Genesis Chapter 33 Questions

1. What was Esau's reaction when he finally met up with Jacob?
2.What city did Jacob finally end up in?

Genesis Chapter 32 Questions

1. How many men are coming with Esau as he goes out to meet his brother Jacob?
2. Why should Jacob be afraid of Esau? (From earler readings.)
3. What does Jacob offer Esau as a way to make peace with him?
4. Who does Jacob wrestle with during the night?
5. Who wins?
6. How did he win?

Genesis Chapter 31 Questions

1. Who told Jacob to leave Laban and return to the land of his fathers?
2. What did Rachel steal from her father's home?
3. How many years did Jacob work for Laban?

Genesis Chapter 30 Questions

1. Name all the children of Jacob.
2. How many different mothers of Jacob's children are there?
3. What are their names?

Genesis Chapter 29 Questions

1. What was Rachel's occupation?
2. Laban said that Jacob was, "...my bone and my flesh." What did he mean?
3. What are the names of Laban's two daughters?
4. Which one is older?
5. Which one did Jacob love?
6. What happened when Jacob first tried to marry Rachel?
7. Why did Laban do this?
8. What is the name of Jacob's firstborn?

Genesis Chapter 28 Questions

1. How is Jacob related to Laban?
2. Why is Jacob going to visit Laban?
3. What was Jacob's dream about? (You should be familiar with all that happened in the dream.)
4. What did Jacob do after waking up from the dream?
5. What did he call the place he had the dream at?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Genesis Chapter 27 Questions

1. Who did Isaac instruct to make a dinner for him so that he could give him his blessing?
2. Who did Rebekah tell to make a dinner in order to trick Isaac into giving him the blessing?
3. Who recieved Isaac's blessing?
4. How was Isaac tricked? (At least two details.)
5. Where did Jacob flee to when he found out Esau was angry with him?

Genesis Chapter 26 Questions

1. What lie did Isaac say to King Abimilech that was the same that his father said?
2. Why did King Abimilech want Isaac and his people to move away?
3. What did Isaac's servants and the herdsmen of Gerar argue over?
4. What was a source of grief to Issac and Rebekah?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Genesis Chapter 25 Questions

1. Abraham married a second woman (after Sarah died), what is her name?
2. Who was Abraham buried with?
3. What is the name of Isaac and Rebekah's first born son?
4. What is the name of their second son?
5. How old was Isaac when the twin sons were born?
6. Esau became a ___________ when he grew up.
7. Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of ___________.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Genesis Chapter 24 Questions

1. Where is Abraham's servant NOT supposed to find a wife for Isaac?
2. Where is the servant NOT to bring Isaac to find a wife?
3. What custom, which seems strange to us, was the servant to follow when making the promise to Abraham?
4. When the servant arrived in Nahor, he asked God for a sign to show him the right woman. What was the sign?
5. Who came out and met the servant?
6. Who is Rebekah's brother?

Genesis Chapter 23 Questions

1. How old was Sarah when she died?
2. Who sold his cave to Abraham so he could use it to bury Sarah?

Genesis Chapter 22 Questions

1. God ____________ Abraham's obedience by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac.
2. What did Isaac ask Abraham while they were on their way to make the sacrifice?
3. What was Abraham's response?
4.What happened when Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac?

Genesis Chapter 21 Questions

1. What is the name of Abraham and Sarah's first born son?
2. How old was Abraham when Isaac was born?
3. Who will be the heir of God's covenant promises that he made to Abraham. Isaac or Ishamel?
4. What did God promise
5. Who did Abraham make a treaty with concerning a well?

Genesis Chapter 20 Questions

1. What lie did Abraham and Sarah tell Abimilech king of Gerar?
2. How did Abimilech find out it was a lie?
3. What did Abimilech do to Abraham for trying to take his wife Sarah?
4. Did God reward or punish Abimilech and his family in the end? How?

Genesis Chapter 19 Questions

The Angel of the Lord has visited Abraham and Sarah and predicted the birth of Isaac and now our attention is brought to Lot and the other two angels that are with him.
1. Who is trying to attack the two angels that Lot has welcomed into his home.
2. What does Lot do to try and keep the men from attacking the visitors?
3. How do the angels of the Lord protect Lot and his family?
4. What are the angels about to do to the city because the cry against it people was so great?
5. Who leaves the city with Lot?
6. Which city was saved because Lot went to it instead of fleeing to the hills?
7. What "rained" on to Sodom and Gomorrah destroying both cities?
8. What happened to Lot's wife when she looked back to the cities, ignoring the angel's warning?
9. What did Lot's daughters do that was very wrong?

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Genesis Chapter 18 Questions

Chapter 18 begins with Abraham meeting three travelers who have shown up at his tent. It was the custom to welcome travelers the way Abraham is described as doing here. It would have been considered very rude for him not to welcome them and take care of them the way he did.
As we read this, it is understood that the guests are the Lord Himself and two angels.
1. What posture does Abraham take when he first meets the three visitors?
2. What kind of "refreshments" does Abraham offer the guests?
3. What does the visitor say will happen to Sarah when they come back in one years time?
4. What was her reaction to hearing this prophecy?
5. What two cities does God tell Abraham are going to be destroyed for their great sinfulness?
6. What was the smallest number of righteous people that must be in Sodom for God NOT to destroy it?

Genesis Chapter 17 Questions

Chapter 17 is a number of years after Ishmael is born and we have a continuation of the story of God using Abram to bring about his plans.
1. How many years has it been since Ishmael was born?
2. What new name does God give Abram?
3. What was the sign of the covenant that God was making with Abraham now?
4. Who was to be circumsised?
5. What was Sarai's new name?
6. What was Abraham's reaction to God telling him that Sarah would have a son named Isaac?
7. How old was Abraham?
8. What blessing does God promise for Ishamel?
9. What does God say about His future with Isaac?
10. How old was Abraham when he was circumcised? Ishmael?

Genesis Chapter 16 Questions

Chapter 16 begins by telling us that Abram and Sarai have not been able to have any children. This is especiall upsetting for them because God has promised in the covenant he made with Abram that Abram would have many descendants who would inherit the land of Canaan.
1. Who does Sarai tell Abram to have a child with so that he can have an heir?
2. Define - concieve
3. Define - contempt
4. How does Hagar treat Sarai after she becomes pregnant?
5. What does Sarai do after Hagar's mistreatment?
6. Who promises Hagar that her offspring will be numerous?
7. How does the angel of the Lord describe the child that Hagar will bear?
8. What is his name going to be?
9. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Genesis 13-15 Test

Much better on the Bible reading test today. It seems that many of you took advantage of the questions online.

Remember that as far as the memory work part of the test is concerned that you must select from the highlighted portions of the assigned book for that week.
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly test reminder

Just a quick note about this weeks 1st year confirmation test. The test this week will cover, Genesis 13-15, the two memory verse sections from the assigned book of the Bible, and chapter 4 from the Divine Drama.

Genesis Chapter 15 Questions

Chapter 15 takes a break from the moving around and the action that we've been reading about and we see Abram and God interacting.
1. Abram is concerned taht he does not have an heir. Why? (Think about the promise God made earlier.)
2. What is an heir?
3. God makes a covenant (promise/contract) with Abram in this chapter. What was Abram instructed to do with the animals he collected?
4. What did God appear as when he made the covenant?
5. What was Abram doing when God made the covenant?
6. God told a little bit of Abram's future and his descendants. What was going to happen to Abram's descendants?
7. How many generations would it be before the people would come back to the land God had promised?

Genesis Chapter 14 Questions

Chapter 14 continues the story of Abram and Lot. They have separated into their own regions and are doing ok.
1. Who was fighting? (general terms, not specific names)
2. What happened to Lot while he was living in Sodom during these fights.
3. What did Abram do when he found out about Lot's situation?
4. How many trained men did Abram leave with?
5. Who gave Abram the victory over Kedorlaomer and his allies?

Genesis Chapter 13 Questions

Abram and his family have been traveling alot! They were in the area of Bethel and Ai, then went down to Egypt because of a famine. While in Egypt he became even more wealthy. Now he is traveling far again and is going back up to Bethel.
1. Make sure you can locate the Bethel/Ai area on a map.
2. What was causing the fight between Abram and Lot?
3. What is the family relationship between Abram and Lot?
4. What analogy did God make about the number of descendants Abram would have?
5. How was the family fight between Abram and Lot settled?
6. How are the men of Sodom described?

Genesis Chapter 12 Questions

Abram becomes a central figure to the story of God's work among the people.
1. What did God promise to Abram. (List them)
2. How old was Abram when God told him to leave his home and travel to the land he would show them?
3. Who are the two named people that go with Abram.
4. Look at the map in the back of the Faith Alive Bible and locate Bethel and Ai. Where is that in relation to Egypt where Abram and his family ended up? (close, far, north, east, west, etc..)
5. Why did Abram lie and tell the Egyptians his wife was really his sister?
6. What sin was Abram commmitting?
7. How could he have trusted God in this situation?

Genesis Chapter 11 Questions

Following the listing of families in chapter 10 we have a short story about the people gathering together to build a tower that "reached to the heavens", in order to make a name for themselves. This was not pleasing to God and so he confused their languages.
1. What was displeasing to God. (There are two reasons we can get from the reading.)

The last part of the chapter shows where Abram fits into the genealogy of the descendants of Noah.
2. Whose line does Abram descend from?

Genesis Chapter 10 Questions/Discussion

Chapter 9 ended with the cursing of Canaan, Ham's son. Ham had dishonored his father Noah for not covering him up when he found him naked. 10 is essentially a large family tree showing the descendants of the Noah's sons. Remember that Noah and his family were the only people left on earth following the flood. God repopulates all of the earth through them. The only question I would probably ask here would be name Noah's three sons, which was asked on two previous posts already.

Bible Reading Questions

Hi all,
The next set of reading questions will go up today. Just a reminder to check those questions out as those are the ones that I will use on the test for that week. It was pretty clear from the test grades for the first set I posted, that many people did not take advantage of the questions being posted. The questions are posted to help guide your readings and that will in turn help your grades. Send me any questions you have.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Divine Plan test.

Great job today on the Divine Plan test. The adult volunteers were very impressed with your ability to share the plan that God has for our lives in Jesus Christ. Good job and I hope that now you will be confident enough to share the Gospel with those you come into contact with.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Genesis 9

Genesis 9
God's flood that destroyed all of the creatures on dry land and in the air, except for Noah and his family and the animals on the ark, has now gone down. Everyone is off the ark and God is making a covenant (promise) with Noah.
1. First he says that now people may eat anything on the earth. (They could only eat plants at first.)
2. They must not eat anything raw though, they have to cook it.
3. v6 he says that you are held responsible if you shed someone's blood. (murder)
4. What promise does God make with all of mankind?
5. What is the sign of that promise?
6. What are the names of Noah's sons.
7. What did Ham do wrong?
8. Who got in trouble for it?
9. How old was Noah when he died?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Numbers 6:24-26

This week we have an assigned memory verse from Numbers. It's a familiar verse selection. Numbers 6:24-26. Where do we usually hear these words?
This is one of the assigned memory verses. You only need to choose one other highlighted section from Numbers.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Faith Alive Bibles have come in!!

The order for Faith Alive Bibles has finally made it. You can pick them up in the church office or when we see you in class this week.

Mr. K
***Updated Retreat Packing List***

Pre-Confirmation Retreat Information
Packing List:
  • Bible
  • Sleeping bag or bedroll
  • Pillow
  • Towel
  • Toiletries
  • Tennis shoes
  • Flashlight
  • Insect repellent
  • Money for Trading Post snacks and souvenirs (optional)
  • One set of clothes and shoes to get dirty or wet
  • Swim suit and towel (one piece for girls) if weather and time permit
Please do NOT pack:
  • Valuable or irreplaceable items
  • Radio, games, cell phones, and other electronic items
  • Anything that could harm another person
***Leaders may bring cell phones. We ask that you be discrete and polite. Thanks!

Camp Lone Star Staff

Retreat paperwork!

A reminder to get the required forms turned into the church office for the retreat. You cant go if you dont have them turned in. The retreat is a required event.

Genesis Chapter 8

The flood has destroyed every that God created that was on dry land and had the breath of life in its nostrils. (That means things that breath.) (chapter 7)
Now in chapter 8 we have a description of the waters receding (going away) from the surface of the earth.
1. How many days was the water covering the earth?
2. What mountain did the ark come to rest on?
3. Noah sent a _________ out after forty days.
4. How many times did Noah send a the dove out from the ark?
5. What did the dove have in its beak the second time it was sent out?
6. What did that mean to Noah?
7. What was the firs thing Noah did when he and all the animals had gone off of the ark?
8. What did God promise to Noah after he did this?

Noah's response to God after the flood is a great example of giving thanks and glory to God in all circumstances. What are some of the times in your life that may be difficult to give God thanks and glory?

Genesis chapter 7.

Chapter 7 continues the story of Noah.
1. How many pairs of animals was Noah instructed to bring on the Ark? Read carefully it may not be what you think.
2. Who (people) was on the ark. You might be asked to list them. How many people total?
3. What are Noah's sons names?
4. How old was Noah when the flood waters came on the earth?
5. What type (broad category) of animal did not come onto the ark? They really didn't need to.
6. How long were the flood waters covering the earth?

In this chapter we see God bring to pass what he had threatened to do because of the evil that people had been doing. Its pretty amazing to think that everyone on earth except Noah and the people that were there were the only people left. It's especially important to remember that God takes sin very seriously and does not tolerate it at all. If it were not for Jesus taking our sin away, we would be punished for our sins too. Thank you heavenly Father for having mercy on us and sending Jesus to take away all our sins.

Class Grades

Grades were posted last week and I'll be posting them as we go along each week. There seems to have been trouble seeing them, let me know if you were able to see your grades. (This applies to ILS students only, since they are using edline.)
All in all things are going well. Make sure to keep up with the memory work and Bible readings each week.
I will begin posting thoughts on the reading here each week as helps for discussion. Post comments you have on the section we will be discussing.

Confirmation Retreat

It's here!
The pre-confirmation retreat is this weekend. I'll be posting the list of things you need to pack. Be praying for the retreat that God's word would be proclaimed and that your relationship with Him would continue to grow.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Great start!

We had a great start to the year this week, good participation in both classes. Don't forget that by showing up with all your materials and being prepared we will have a great class every time. God's blessings to each of you as you study and prepare for next week. Have a great weekend.
Pastor T.

ILS Test

The test that was scheduled for Thursday this week (8-26) was rescheduled because of the assembly on Thursday. The test will be on Monday...don't forget! See you sunday.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sermon Applications

Several people have asked questions about the sermon application forms. In particular you have asked what it wants when it asks about place and text. Place is simply asking where you went to church that Sunday, and the "text" is asking you what scripture passage the pastor was using for the sermon he preached. Keep the questions coming. Have a great day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Parent and Student Covenants

Parents and students please make sure to get the covenant forms turned in this week. Thank you.

Memory Work

Memory work officially starts this week. The work changes from week to week and you can see the specifics on the assignment page. This weeks memory work says "Genesis and OT BoB" - the OT BoB is described in the previous post. Genesis of course refers to the book of Genesis. The student is allowed to choose two highlighted sections of their Faith Alive Bible, from the book of Genesis to memorize this week. So for example if Genesis 1:1-2 is highlighted then they memorize Genesis 1:1-2. Please note that they whatever section they choose, they memorize the whole selection not simply a small part. If the student chooses a long portion to memorize they can choose that one to do only, rather than two smaller sections. The goal is to have roughly 4-5 verses total. Call the church office with questions.

Friday, August 20, 2010


1st Year assignment page says OT BoB - what is Bob besides Pastor Tiners most despised nickname? It means Old Testament Books of the Bible. So then when you see NT BoB - New Testament books of the Bible. Hope that helps.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Great to see so many parents and students last night at the orientation. If you missed the orientation, you'll need to make sure and come by the church office and pick up a packet for your class and set up a time to go over the packet with the pastor for your particular class. Both parents and student will need to meet with the pastor. Looking forward to seeing you in class.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Orientation clarification.

Clarification on who needs to attend the orientation.
If you are going to be Confirmed here at Immanuel, you need to be at the orientation. If you are a student at ILS but are going to be confirmed at your home congregation, then you are not required to attend, but it is still a good idea so that you will know what is expected in the class this coming year.
Hope that helps.
Pastor Tiner

Thursday, August 12, 2010

1st Year Confirmation Materials

Confirmation Book List
(Prices include shipping and tax.)

Faith Alive Bible - available for purchase ($20.88)at orientation or through cph.org - (1st and 2nd year students.)

Luther's Small Catechism - Maroon cover - available for purchase ($12.52) at orientation or from cph.org (1st and 2nd year students.)

Divine Drama - (Biblical Narrative) - Student book and workbook - will be provided for each student at orientation. (1st year students.)

Other materials for each class day:
Notebook or spiral for taking notes.
Class schedule - (we will provide this at orientation)
Great attitude!

See you soon!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Reminder for all confirmands! Orientation for both 1st and 2nd year confirmation classes is next Monday night August 16th at 7:30. 1st year students also have acolyte training immediately following the orientation. See you there!